Carrefour sign

Following the launch of local store concepts Carrefour City, Carrefour Contact and Carrefour Montagne, the French retail giant is now testing two more: Carrefour City Café and Carrefour Express, according to a report from Végétable.

Carrefour City Café stores will be located in town centres and will measure some 100-150m2, offering ready-to-eat meals, drinks and snacks, with the option of on-site dining.

The first store is set to open in Bordeaux on 16 December, with a second due to be unveiled early in 2011.

Carrefour Express will be located in towns and rural areas, measuring some 100-250m2 and offering an assortment of 3,500 lines.

The first test store opened yesterday in Caen, with two more planned, for Poitiers in January and for Paris in February.