US apple Granny Smith India retail

Canada looks likely to import far more US fruit and veg during the coming year, pushing the value of American exports to US$21.7bn.

Overall, the value of fresh fruit, vegetables and nuts exported by the US in 2015 could outstrip that of grain and feed for first time in the country’s history, according to new information published by the US Department of Agriculture.

Fresh produce exports including nuts are forecast to generate a record US$37bn next year, the report said, thanks to strong demand and higher prices.

And the sector appears set to buck the prevailing trend as far US agricultural exports are concerned, with lower prices for corn, wheat and soybeans expected to push down the value of the country’s exports to US$144.5bn, down US$8bn or 5.25 per cent on the previous year.

As for imports, the US is expected to spend US$117bn on agricultural products in 2015, an increase of US$7.5bn which the USDA attributed to projected growth in the American economy.