Canada glasshouse

The Canadian government is stepping in to help the country's horticulture producers strengthen the industry and showcase the safety of their products to the rest of the world.

As part of the move, the government has pledged to invest over C$750,000 to help the Canadian Horticultural Council (CHC) develop a national On-Farm Food Safety System.

'Horticulture producers can be proud of their long-standing history of producing safe, high-quality produce for Canadians and consumers worldwide,' said agriculture minister Gerry Ritz. 'This investment will further increase consumer confidence in the safety and quality of Canadian produce and will help growers boost their competitive edge in the marketplace.'

Member of Parliament Joe Preston noted that growers across Canada understood the importance of healthy, safe food, and that the government would continue to work with small farmers and make investments to maintain the country's place as a world leader in quality agriculture.

'The government of Canada assistance has made it possible for the Canadian Horticultural Council to develop a technically sound and effective on-farm food safety system for Canada's fruit and vegetable producers,' said Andy Vermeulen, president of the CHC. 'The CanadaGAP programme is a clear example of the Canadian government's commitment to helping farmers achieve their goals of safe production and market access.'
