Camposol unions

Camposol has reported that it has reached a satisfactory agreement with each of the three unions representing its workers: the Camposol SA Workers’ Union, the Camposol Plant Workers’ Union and the Camposol Field Workers’ Union.

“These agreements guarantee significant improvements for our workforce, while ensuring the company’s long-term stability and sustainability,” the company said. “The agreements, which will be in effect from 2024 to 2027, have been reached through direct negotiation processes that place emphasis on social dialogue, respect, and mutual understanding.”

Reaffirming its commitment to the independence of union organisations and recognising the importance of their role in safeguarding workers’ rights and interests, Camposol said the outcome of the negotiations reflected a positive balance for both the company and its workers.

“The three unions have contributed to the achievement of important benefits that have a positive impact on employees, such as salary increases, special leave in the event of death, and improvements to the Christmas basket, among others,” the company said.

Camposol thanked the union representatives for their openness and collaboration during the negotiation process. It said the agreements not only strengthen their mutual relationship, but also support the well-being and satisfaction of its employees, while ensuring the company’s sustainability and competitiveness.

Ricardo Naranjo, Camposol’s interim CEO, commented: “The agreement reached with our unions reflects our commitment to social dialogue and mutual respect. We firmly believe that this agreement will generate a positive impact on our workers.

“A collaborative environment not only benefits our workers, but also consolidates the sustainability and growth of Camposol as a whole. We are grateful for the dedication and efforts of the unions, who have been instrumental in achieving these important benefits. Together, we will continue working to build a prosperous and sustainable future for everyone at Camposol”.