Agricom Camposol agreement

From left to right: Rodrigo Barros Tocornal (Agricom), Pablo Ossa (Agricom), Juan José Gómez Bazán (Camposol), Samuel Dyer Coriat (Camposol)

South American duo Agricom and Camposol have announced the signing of an agreement to jointly commercialise their products in Europe.

Chilean exporter Agricom and Peruvian agroindustrial group Camposol explained that they would use the agreement to establish a broader commercial and logistics platform to strengthen its customer base in the European market.

Fresh products that the two companies are set to commercialise together include avocados, grapes, citrus, blueberries and pomegranates, among others.

'We are very proud to sign this agreement, because it will allow a joint consolidation of both companies in Europe, increasing the exportable supply from both countries,' said Agricom chairman Rodrigo Barros Tocornal. 'Additionally, it opens the door for technical knowledge exchange and the positioning of the brands in a competitive, growing market.'

Meanwhile, Samuel Dyer Coriat, executive chairman of Camposol, highlighted the complementarity of both countries by pointing out that both Peru and Chile would see benefits from the alliance.

'Instead of competing, we have been visionaries and realised that together we add up to more than two, and we must take advantage of the complementarity of our supply.'

The alliance, which leads to the creation of a company in the Netherlands called Agricom Camposol Fresh, will benefit from economies of scale, achieving higher returns for both parties.

The agreement will also allow the extension of supply windows in which Agricom and Camposol offer their products individually, while the companies will strive to maximise logistical savings in materials, transport, storage on arrival and other areas.

'Our goal is to complement our productions, give better continuity to our supply and become the best suppliers to supermarkets in Europe, with a wide range of products and expertise in the handling and logistics of fruit.' added Tocornal.