
HLB Specialties’ Homero Levy de Barros has told Americafruit that Brazilian papayas growers are optimistic about supply for the second half of this year, despite uncertainty over the weather and the strength of the internal market in the South American nation.

“We had no rainfall in the north-east of Brazil from where we source our large Formosas, while in the south abnormal cold temperatures have reduced fruit sizes,” Levy de Barros explained.

“Volume is one-third of what we expected. But our growers planted more in 2012 and, despite the adverse conditions, we should see an improvement in volume during the second half of 2013 (July-December) compared with the first (January-June).

With regards to the internal market, Levy de Barros said if there is less fruit available then domestic prices rise very high, making it difficult for exporters to fulfil their export orders.

Small papayas from Brazil will improve after July, according to HLB, which is also sourcing large papayas from Central Aemrica and Mexico, where volume is said to be steadily growing and quality is excellent.

The firm is also making inroads in terms of introducing rambutan from Guatemala into its gradually expanding tropical and exotic fruit offer.