ClaudeRehlinger BlueWhale(left);Albert Richard,President of BVL (right)pic

Blue Whale president Claude Rehlinger (left) with BVL president Albert Richard

Leading French apple exporter Blue Whale and Loire-France-based apple cooperative BVL have inked a supply and marketing agreement in a bid to become one of the world’s top-ranking apple suppliers.

Under the deal signed on 25 March, Blue Whale and BVL will pool their resources and export fruit under the Blue Whale brand.

“The key idea behind this partnership is to create a top-ranking French player,” Blue Whale said in a press release. “Achieving significant production volume will allow the new entity to meet the reality of global demand.”

Blue Whale said the agreement would also facilitate collaborative work on new varieties, new processes and packaging, thereby adding value to its supply.

Commenting on the move, Blue Whale president Claude Rehlinger said: “Apple growers have been criticised for being too fragmented, too individualistic, and not being organised. With this agreement, we have decided to take our fate into our own hands, to organise ourselves in order to meet worldwide demand. France must be a world-beater.”
