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Biological pest control specialist Biobest has launched a new natural predator, P. macropilis, which is says provides a new, very potent combatant in the struggle against spider mites in various crops including tomatoes.

Among the large number of pests affecting tomato crops, spider mites and especially the Two Spotted Spider Mite, are considered as major pests, but while the latter can be controlled well in other crops, it remains a serious problem in tomato.

The Two Spotted Spider Mite is an invasive pest, probably originating from South Africa, that has recently spread in the Mediterranean basin and for which no efficient control has been developed yet.

But, with chemical control of spider mite pests difficult because of the insects’ rapid resistance development to many acaricides, Biobest said there was an “urgent need for alternative solutions” to control the pest.

The company said that test cases have shown the high efficacy of the P. macropilis mite, in controlling Two Spotted Spider Mites in tomatoes.

In addition, Biobest said the predator could be used for spider mite control in strawberries and ornamental plants.

The company said P. macropilis’ commercial launch in Europe has been preceded by an extensive testing and certification programme, in which the mite had proven itself to be a “reliable and robust” predator of spider mites.
