
The merger of two Belgian fresh produce auctions, Mechelse Veilingen and Coöbra, to form Europe's largest vegetable auction, Belorta, has received overwhelming support from growers, according to one of the new group's leading executives.

Speaking to Eurofruit, Mechelse's head of external relations and sustainability Luc Peeters confirmed that 84 per cent of the groups' 1,145 member growers had given their support to the deal, which is expected to reinforce Mechelse's own leading position in the Belgian trade by creating a new auction with annual sales of more than €300m.

According to Peeters, the merger will enable the two entities – who already collaborate closely in areas such as logistics and marketing – to compete more effectively in the international marketplace.

"For existing markets there will be more resources and more people to develop innovative products for big customers, retailers and exporters who have specific demands for the next season," he commented.

"It's about securing existing markets, but this will also help with exploration of new markets with existing products and new markets with new products."

Belorta, which takes its name from an existing brand used by Mechelse to market premium-quality produce, is estimated to command a 37 per cent share of the Belgian fresh produce auction trade, with around 70 per cent of its sales to export markets. 

"The name Belorta conveys a horticultural link between the producers' regional roots in Belgium and the French word for beautiful," the group explained in a statement.

"Orta stands for horticulture, namely the production of fruit and vegetables. The central 'o' in the logo symbolises the collaboration of both auctions and the fusion of their expertise." 

Several members of both Mechelse and Coöbra attended a special event in Antwerp on Saturday evening to welcome the merger's completion officially.