
French retailer Auchan has revealed that fruit and vegetable prices at its stores fell during July and August this year, fruit by 0.61 per cent and vegetables by 2.67 per cent, Fld has reported.

According to the retailer, the price of apricots dropped by 6.6 per cent, peaches by 8.3 per cent, nectarines by 9.5 per cent, strawberries by 15.9 per cent, salads by 2.2 per cent, courgettes by 3.3 per cent and potatoes by 15 per cent.

Auchan said the price drop was all the more remarkable since it occurred during a period of price rises for such products on the market.

'This effort on margins is part of the new pricing policy launched by Auchan in April, which reaffirmed the strength of its commitment to fruit and vegetables,' the company said in a press release. 'Auchan is ensuring that 14 fruits and vegetables are always available for less than €1, compared with eight previously.'