Argentina Port

Despite a 22 per cent rise in overseas sales of Argentinean fresh fruit in 2011, an anticipated slowdown in shipments during the second half of the season is causing suppliers to fear overall results will not offset higher internal costs, according to a report by

So far this season Argentina has shipped 85,000 tonnes of fruit to Russia (up 21 per cent on last year), 65,000 tonnes to the Netherlands (which ranks as the gateway to Europe) and 46,500 tonnes to Italy, among other markets including the Middle East and north Africa.

“Despite a larger crop and better fruit quality compared with last season, many are working in fear that total overseas sales will not compensate our internal costs,” one important exporter was quoted as saying.

According to a grower from Cipolletti, the strike in January also affected the whole chain since many companies prioritised the Williams pear harvest in the belief that it would achieve higher returns on the global market.

However, the grower added that they are now hearing the Europe is oversupplied with pears, leaving suppliers terrified that their fruit will mature in storage.