
Container throughput at APM Terminals’ Global Terminal Network increased by 3 per cent to 36.3m TEUs in 2013. Invested capital rose to US$6.1bn during the past year as work on seven new terminals and expansion and upgrades to 16 operating facilities continued, with a return on invested capital of 13.5 per cent, the company said in a press release.

Among the biggest projects last year were the opening of a 1.2m TEU container terminal at the Port of Santos in Brazil one of South America’s busiest container ports. The acquisition of Russian terminal operator NCC Group by Global Ports Investments, in which APMT has a 30.75 per cent co-controlling share, also helped boost the company’s container throughput. Global Ports’ five Russian terminals now represent a combined 3.6m TEUs of annual capacity, or 40 per cent of total Russian container throughput.

“We are making good progress toward our goal of becoming the recognised industry leader, and we will continue to invest in infrastructure in underserved and high-growth markets to provide the services our customers require as global trade continues to expand,” APMT’s CEO Kim Fejfer said.

New terminal projects secured by APMT last year include a 1.5m-TEU deep-water terminal near Izmir, Turkey, and a second container terminal at the Port of Abidjan in the Ivory Coast with an annual throughput of 2m TEUs.

In a study conducted by the JOC Group, five APMT facilities were cited among the world’s top 10 most productive terminals for the fist half of 2013.

APMT is the world’s leading port and inland operator with 55 facilities in 36 countries. The company also provides inland services in over 150 locations in 46 countries.