Port of Antwerp

The first ground is set to be broken at the Port of Antwerp ahead of the construction of what is set to become the largest port in the world, located at the head of the Deurganckdock on the left bank of the Scheldt.

Once construction is completed, the lock will overtake the current record-holder, the Berendrecht dock, which is also located at the Port of Antwerp.

According to Antwerp Port Authority, the move is in response to the trend towards larger ships coming through the port, and represents an overall investment of €340m.

'The importance of the new lock cannot be overemphasised,' said CEO Eddy Bruyninckx. 'Our sea access has already been considerably improved thanks to the deepening of the Scheldt, and now with the second lock we will be able to further develop our port on the left bank.'

The new lock is expected to become operational in 2016.