MSC Savona at Antwerp

Ongoing disruption at the Port of Antwerp in Belgium is continuing to impact on operations, with over 60 vessels said to be stuck in limbo both in port and at sea.

Despite full pilot strikes ending earlier in the week, go-slow actions are still in place, costing the port a reported €1m an hour, according to Port Technology.

Belgian pilots have been striking in protest at proposed government plans to add a further two years to the retirement age, believing that they should be exempt from the increase.

Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC), which has over 20 vessels currently stuck because of the action, is said to be reconsidering its position at Antwerp, and has already started diverting vessels to Rotterdam.

The group, which accounts for over two-thirds of Antwerp's container business, said that the damage caused by pilots was making it rethink its role at the port.

'MSC does not understand this action by the pilots... and will reconsider its investment policy towards Flanders.'