Port of Antwerp ©Antwerp Port Authority

The Port of Antwerp set a new record for freight handled during 2013, according to the Port Authority, with a total volume of 190.6m tonnes handled throughout the 12-month period.

This figure represented a 3.5 per cent increase on the previous year, when freight volume came to 184.1m tonnes, and beats the previous record set in 2008.

According to the Port Authority, the main driving force behind growth was liquid bulk, with container volumes falling slightly as a 'result of the continuing recession'.

“These freight volume results have been achieved thanks to investments by a number of large players over the past few years,' explained Port Authority CEO Eddy Bruyninckx. 'They are also the best proof that conversion of former breakbulk areas into tank storage facilities has paid off for our port.

'When it comes to containers the stagnating economy continues to weigh on the figures, but this situation applies practically throughout the Hamburg-Le Havre range,' he added.

Container volume fell in both tonnage and container numbers – down 1.7 per cent and 0.7 per cent respectively – although the recent announcement of the P3 network (consisting of Maersk Line, MSC and CMA CGM) means that prospects are seen as 'positive'.