Marseille fruit terminal

The National Association of Apples and Pears (ANPP) has spoken out against the repeated blockages at French ports, following the CGT union's call for further strikes last Friday.

According to the ANPP, tens of containers filled with thousands of tonnes of French apples have been blocked at ports around the country, Végétable reported.

At this time of year, exports represent a volume of some 70 containers a week, at a value of around €1.6m.

If these volumes were forced to enter the national market, it could cause a major crisis, the ANPP warned.

French companies have been forced to send produce via Barcolona, Antwerp and Zeebrugge, causing congestion and adding considerably to costs.

ANPP president Daniel Sauvaître commented: 'If the blockage is not halted immediately, it will be the end of the campaign for French apples in third countries, which will cause a great imbalance on the whole of the market. We look to the government for a quick solution so that exporters, which are part of the dynamism of foreign trade and the vitality of the sector, can work in decent conditions.'