Government awards Mir with Commendation of Order of Merit for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food

Joan Mir and Agriculture Minsiter Luis Planas, centre

Joan Mir and Agriculture Minsiter Luis Planas, centre

Joan Mir, general director of Spanish agri-food cooperative Anecoop, has been honoured by the Spanish government for his services to agriculture.

At a ceremony on Thursday he received the Commendation of Order of Merit for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food from Agriculture Minister Luis Planas. The honour recognises people who have provided eminent services or performed outstandingly in the agricultural, fishing and food sectors.

Born in 1958 in Valencia, Joan Mir has a PhD in Economics and Business Sciences from the University of Valencia, in whose Falcultat d’Economia he served as Professor of International Marketing for 23 years.

After passing through different companies such as Grupo Iber, Grupo Audit - where he began his first contacts with Anecoop and the agricultural world – and the Valencian Export Institute (IVEX) of the Generalitat Valenciana, he joined of Anecoop’s management team in 1997 as director of marketing and strategy and deputy general Director, becoming the general manager of the company in October 2010.

Mir commented: “Anecoop is a company of people for people, and therefore this recognition, more than me, belongs to the more than 21,000 farmers associated with Anecoop, the more than 20,000 warehouse workers and field, and to the more than 600 professionals who, in Spain and abroad, every day, ensure that our products reach thousands of consumers in nearly 70 countries, through the best distribution chains, to whom I thank their collaboration”.

Together with his team, Mir has contributed to strengthening the Anecoop Group, leading the expansion of Anecoop France and Anecoop Polska, and the opening of Anecoop Asia, Solagora, Anecoop Valle del Ebro and Anecwines Corporation in the US.

A firm believer in the motto “unity is strength”, and in clear harmony with the times, he has successfully promoted different integration projects between the cooperatives and member companies of Anecoop, with the aim of supporting their growth and future, and the of the thousands of farmers that make up them, who together with their families are the backbone of rural areas, the engine of economy and employment.

Mir has also carried out important institutional relations work by participating in numerous trade missions organised by the European Union and has supported the launch of innovative communication campaigns aimed at consumers, raising society’s awareness about the essential role of agriculture in the economy and sustainability of the field.

Similarly, in 2020 he promoted the entry of Anecoop into the Spanish Network of the United Nations Global Compact, giving an account of the entity’s commitment to its compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals.

Mir also belongs to the board of directors of agriculture and preserves at Agriconsa and is a member of the board of directors of the Cooperative Credit Bank, where he chairs the strategy committee.