Clara Aguilera, Andalusia

Agricultural incomes in the Spanish region of Andalusia, which is responsible for much of the country’s fruit and vegetable exports, fell by more than 3 per cent during last year compared with 2008, although markedly less than in the nation as a whole.

Presenting Andalusia’s overview of the region’s agricultural sector for 2009 this week, Andalusian regional minister of agriculture Clara Aguilera (pictured) revealed that total turnover in the sector dropped by 3.3 per cent last year.

However, the minister said that the fall in incomes was below the national average of 5.3 per cent recorded by Spain last year and the 12.2 per cent registered across Europe.

Agricultural production in Andalusia, of which fruit, vegetable and flower production accounts for over half (55 per cent), also dropped by 7.1 per cent during 2009, compared with a 10.6 fall in production in Spain as a whole.

Ms Aguilera said in a press conference in Seville that 2009 had been “a year characterised by the economic crisis”, which had affected all sectors of the economy, although in the case of Andalusian agriculture the consequences has been lesser than in other sectors, such as construction and manufacturing.

The minister said that Andalusia’s regional government had put in place a number of measures during the year to compensate farmers and growers for their loss of income, as well as financial resources to help companies.