Spanish production for 2024/25 is forecast to drop to 1.26m tonnes following last year’s record numbers

Spanish interprofessional association Ailimpo has unveiled its crop forecast for the 2024/25 lemon season, predicting a year-on-year drop in volumes.

Ailimpo lemons on tree

The country’s lemon production is pegged at 1.26m tonnes, Ailimpo outlined, down 21 per cent on the record 1.595m tonnes recorded in 2023/24.

If correct, those 1.26m tonnes would place 2024/25 just below the average volumes recorded between 2018/19 and 2023/24.

Ailimpo said that, by variety, the forecast was for a drop of 18 per cent for Fino and 31 per cent for Verna, down to 980,000 and 280,000 tonnes respectively.

“The board of directors of Ailimpo, with representatives of growers, cooperatives, exporters and processors, has validated the crop report and has marked the strategic lines of this new lemon campaign, which are based on stability, prudence, elimination of speculation, profitability for all links in the chain and compliance with contracts,” the association stated.

”Ailimpo also stresses the enormous importance of the Regional Agriculture Councils considering as a priority of their actions the good management of plant health and pest and disease control, which, together with climatic conditions, will determine the percentage of commercial fruit for the fresh market (net production) over the total harvest (gross production).”