Agrupa Ejido Spain

One of Spain's largest vegetable suppliers, Almeria-based AgrupaEjido, has increased its GlobalGAP-accredited production to 60 per cent over the past nine months.

At the start of the season in September 2011, 765ha of its vegetable production area were certified and since then this figure has apparently risen to 1,300ha.

AgrupaEjido is also in the midst of gaining BRC certification for the UK market and IFS certification for the Dutch, German and French markets for its packhouse at La Mojonera.

The latest developments follow the organisation's recent move to establish its own integrated production association, which is certified according to norms established by the Andalusia regional executive.

'Thanks to this, 100 per cent of our capsicum production is grown according to integrated production techniques,' the group's chairman Cecilio Guillén said in a statement.

'The volume of the rest of our products grown with integrated methods is in continual growth which ensures good quality, fresh vegetables that are safe for consumers.'