Company’s sales volume set to rise by 10 per cent, despite challenging market conditions

Spain’s Agroponiente Group said it is on course to post another record sales volume for the 2023/24 campaign. To the end of May, volume was up 10 per cent and on course to hit 320,000 tonnes by the season end. This is double the 5 per cent volume increase seen in 2022/23.

Agroponiente A

Volumes were up across the board, particularly in peppers and cucumbers, but even in categories where the sector has experienced challenges this year such as tomato, courgette and aubergine.

The company said the results were all the more impressive given the complicated market scenario the sector has faced over the past year, marked by lower prices, that it has managed to alleviate thanks to its “clear and determined commitment to the farmer, as well as the constant improvement in management and logistics processes”, and that this would lay the foundations for another year of growth in 2024/25.

CEO Imanol Almudí commented: “The 2022/23 campaign was historic for our company, within a generally favourable context of the sector. But as everyone knows, this is a sector whose dynamics vary significantly from one year to the next and in the season that is now ending, prices have not been so favourable and the market in general has not moved with the same vigour.

“However, in this much more complex context, we have been able to become more efficient in every sense, from reducing the company’s general costs, improving productivity, and increasing sales, while always centring our growers.

“Now the challenge is to continue growing and consolidating, in our objective to turn Agroponiente into the reference company in the sector in Southern Europe”.