Innoverde website

AgroCap Invest BV, the holding company of Cool Fresh International, has announced that it has acquired a majority shareholding in Dutch fresh produce company Innoverde BV, which was established in 2009 by Sjaak Oosthoek, Paul van der Gijp and Yuri van Gils.

'Adding Innoverde to our growing global family of subsidiaries fits perfectly into the corporate vision of AgroCap,' said AgroCap Invest CEO Jan in 't Veld. 'Our foreign business acquisitions have resulted in, specifically, Cool Fresh International becoming a strong supplier of overseas fruit to worldwide destinations.

'The collaboration with Innoverde will further complement our existing product range, and enable us to realise strategic growth,' he added. 'Most importantly, the investment in Innoverde brings forth new synergies and an improvement in the economies of scale. This will ensure that we can continue to give the highest level of support and commitment to our existing and future customers.'

The move is the latest in a number of investments made by AgroCap over the past two years, with group owning trading companies in the Netherlands, Turkey and Argentina while also holding a grape farm and facilities in South Africa and having joint ventures in Namibia and Ukraine.

The collaboration with AgroCap brings together the broad experience and know-how of our respective companies, without jeopardising Innoverde's unique identity,' said Innoverde director Mr Oosthoek. 'The solid financial base and specialist marketing knowledge of AgroCap will enable us to maintain or even accelerate our growth, but most importantly we are now able to strengthen and firmly secure our niche position in the fresh produce market.'