All Australia articles – Page 185
End of Northern Territory mango season
Low yields and high prices have typified the campaign
BA considers Qantas merger
British Airways is exploring the potential of a merger with Australian airline Qantas
Japan accepts new cherry protocol
A new system for ensuring the control of codling moth in Tasmania has been accepted by Japanese authorities
Greener frost protection system going global
A new system seen as a green and low-cost alternative to existing frost prevention methods is enjoying a growing reputation
Australian dollar falls dramatically
A significant drop in the Australian dollar has been looked on by exporters with cautious optimism
Drought conditions hit Australia's topfruit
Pear production and exports will fall this year as the dry conditions bite, although apple exports are expected to increase
Australia steps up fruit fly effort
The government has drawn up a proposal for tackling the pest, while also providing A$1m to help protect farmers
Korean orange production to drop
A new USDA report has estimated that yields will fall and that the US will continue to dominate the import market
Australian oranges on an upward curve
The 2009/10 Australian orange campaign will see production rise and exports lean back towards the US market
AADA lowers bunker surcharges
The decision has been made following a fall in the price of fuel
Australia approves Chile Free Trade Agreement
The Australian government has passed legislation for a Free Trade Agreement with Chile
Storm tears through Queensland
The Australian state of Queensland was hit by a severe storm yesterday
Go-ahead for Philippine bananas to Aus
Australian growers are bent out of shape after Biosecurity Australia gave the import of Philippine bananas a provisional thumbs up
Citrus Australia gets down to business
Australia’s new peak citrus body has got right down to the business of grower representation
Report: Australia’s future is high-end
Australia’s horticultural future lies as a high-end supplier, says a new report from Rabobank
Australian growers reject Philippine bananas
Australian banana growers are struggling to keep Philippine imports out of their domestic market
Funding for South Australian irrigators
A South Australian government plan to fund irrigators in the state will give good returns, say growers
Apple and Pear Australia creates IP division
The body will look to assist international agencies and growers in the development of plant commercialisation
Australia develops Panama resistant banana
Australian scientists have developed a genetically modified banana strain resistant to Panama disease
Tasmanian cherries dodge frost
Tasmania’s cherry crop was hit by frost last week, but the industry says prepared growers staved off significant damage