
China’s largest social media messaging channel, WeChat, provided a platform for Citrus Australia chief executive Judith Damiani to engage with a 4,000 member fresh produce network last week.

During a 90-minute presentation and Q&A session, Damiani provided an overview of the Australian citrus industry, including information on Australian growing regions, varieties, seasonality, fruit quality, exports, and production trends.

Damiani said the level of interest and the number of questions from the audience was high and included enquiries about logistics, maturity standards, promotions and e-commerce.

“It was my first public presentation using WeChat and once you get the hang of the translation timing its actually quite fun to speak, type and upload images or slides for an interactive (and low-cost) session with thousands of interested people on the other side of the world,” Damiani explained.

The presentation followed insights about WeChat’s useage from Shanghai-based importer, Kurt Huang, at March’s Citrus Market Outlook Forum in Sydney.

“If you want to do business or connect to Chinese friends, you really need to install WeChat to your phone,” Huang told delegates.