
Walmart India will launch wholesale e-commerce operations in Hyderabad and Lucknow next month, under the brand BestPrice.

In an interview with the Times of India, Walmart India’s chief executive Krish Iyer said the e-commerce pilot projects would begin in the two cities, available for customers within a 40km radius, and will be expanded up in coming months.

“We are hoping that this move will help retailers optimise their inventory management,” said Iyer. “They will not have to stock up and can place orders with us on a daily basis.”

India’s foreign direct investment laws do not allow online retail businesses to sell directly to consumers, but Iyer said Walmart is open to exploring the opportunity if it arose.

“On multi-brand retail, we will monitor the space and continue to engage with the stakeholders,” Iyer told the Times. “We are focused on doing things the right way.”