Florida citrus picking

Florida Citrus Mutual, the US state's largest citrus grower organisation, has announced that the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is to fund US$11m for citrus disease research over the next four years.

According to the group, the funding will be provided between now and 2014, with US$2m handed to Florida researchers immediately and the rest of the funding coming from a USDA competitive grant programme.

'We deeply appreciate this initial quick infusion of desperately needed research funding to supplement what Florida growers have already spent,' said Michael Sparks, executive vice-president and CEO at Florida Citrus Mutual.

The funding and research will be overseen by a stakeholder board consisting of both producers and scientists from citrus states such as Florida, California and Texas, with the board itself put together by US Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack.

Florida Citrus Mutual president Vic Story lauded US senator Bill Nelson, who has been a long-time proponent of citrus disease research and has worked to bring the issue to the attention of the USDA, and said that the group will be working with the senator to ensure research is adequately funded.

'The Citrus Disease Research Trust Fund must be able to serve as a long-term source of funding as we continue to fight HLB (Huanglongbing) and other non-native diseases that haven't reached the US soil yet,' Story said. 'The future of a US$9bn industry and 76,000 jobs it supports is at stake.'