It has taken Taiwan eight years of negotiation to gain access for the fruit   

Taiwan has sent its first test shipment of red dragon fruit to Japan following eight years of negotiations. Deputy minister of agriculture Hu Jong-i told the Taipei Times the initial 192kg fruit was well-received and a shipment of 6 tonnes would follow.  

Dragon Fruit pink


Taiwanese red dragon is expected to take a premium position in the market

“We negotiated with Japan for eight years on the sale of red dragon fruit, and I last met with Japanese officials on 28 May,” he told the publication. 

Negotiations were finalised on 5 June, with Taiwain exporting the fruit under the Taiwan Good Agricultural Practice 2020 Plus food processing standards. Japan’s quarantine requirements stipulate the centre point of the fruit should reach 46.5°C for 30 minutes before being shipped. 

A total of 338 tonnes of the fruit is expected to be exported to Japan by the end of this year, and, according to Hu, it’s set to increase next year. 

Taiwan has been exporting white-fleshed dragon fruit to Japan since 2010. 

“Japan currently imports red dragon fruit mainly from Vietnam,” Hu told Taipei Times. “Although Taiwan produces less of the fruit [than Vietnam], the Taiwanese variant has a higher anthocyanin content, and is sweeter and larger.”  

Taiwanese red dragon is expected to take a premium position in the market at a higher price point than fruit from Vietnam. 

Hu told the Taipei Times Taiwan is also in bilateral negotiations with Japan to secure access for Jinhuang mangoes to Japan next year. 

“We already sell other varieties of mango in Japan, including Haden mangoes and Taiwan’s Aiwen mangoes,” he said.