Peru's fresh produce industry will once again be out in force at Asia Fruit Logistica in Hong Kong, with the country participating at the leading trade fair for the Asian fresh produce business for the tenth time on 6-8 September.
The Peruvian Pavilion will host a number of exporters, producers and associations under the new Super Foods Peru brand, which is being introduced to the Asian market for the first time.
Participants will includeAgrícola Athos, Agrícola La Venta, Agronegocios La Grama, Blueagro, Camposol, Danper, Ecosac Agrícola, Fundo Sacramento, Pedregal, Procesos Agroindustriales – Proagro, Sobifruits, as well as the association of mango producers and exporters Apem, Peru Citrus, the table grape producer association Provid, Avocados from Peru, as well as for the first time the blueberry growers association Proarandanos.
In addition to these companies, 20 additional businesses will also be present, all of whom will be supported by the Commercial Offices of Peru in Asian countries.
Peruvian exhibitors have high expectations for expanding their clientele and exploring new trade opportunities with Asian countries at this year's event in Hong Kong.
Indeed, the future for Peruvian fruit exports in the Chinese market looks more promising each year, thanks in particular to the access Peruvian avocados gained in 2015, the recent approval for blueberry entry, and the potential approval of pomegranate shipments into the country.