
Clear and direct messaging is helping New Zealand-grown navel oranges win market share in China.

The fruit’s rising profile stems from a campaign devised by importer-marketer Foodview, who have worked alongside leading New Zealand exporter First Fresh to develop a foothold for Sprisio navels.

The campaign has focused on dispelling conceptions about New Zealand navels being uncompetitive against those from Australia, which are considered by many Chinese consumers as the benchmark for premium quality citrus. Foodview’s brand strategist John Miller suggests New Zealand’s offer has traditionally been regarded as more expensive, less sweet and more blemished than Australian fruit.

The cut-through Sprisio has made is seemingly the result of direct consumer communication.

“We have explained that New Zealand navels come from a coastal growing region, which means they have some wind rub blemishes on their skin, but the high sunlight hours, clean water and soil so close to the sea results in oranges with a deeper orange flavour,” Miller said.

“We have found consumers across China like the sound of that and have started ordering New Zealand oranges rather than Australian oranges.”

A full version of this article will appear in the July/August edition of Asiafruit Magazine.