SA Citrus packing

The first specialised reefer vessel of the new South African citrus export season to Japan has departed with the first of some 3.5m cartons of fruit destined for the country this season.

The first shipment will arrive in Japan at the end of May and consists of some 4,400 pallets. The second vessel arrived in Durban over the weekend and South Africa’s Citrus Growers Association (CGA) said the season was now well underway.

“The Japanese inspector is happy with the way inspections are progressing and has returned to Japan. This means that the season is fully underway,” said the CGA’s Justin Chadwick.

Meanwhile it is reported that the first shipment of South African table grapes to Japan has arrived safely in the country. “The protocol arrangements for this shipment were successful and we are awaiting first reports on the arrival condition,” said Freshworld’s Danie Kieviet.

South African grape exporters gained access to Japan for the first time this season but only one shipment could be made because of logistical problems getting fruit inspectors to South Africa before the season concluded.

The South African Satsuma harvest this year has come to an end with 1.6m of the predicted 1.7m cartons having been packed and passed for export. Clementine harvesting is now in full swing after a slow start to the season with reports growers in the eastern and northern areas of the country have been affected by rain.