
Avocado rivalry is put aside in New Zealand

New Zealand’s two largest avocado exporters have joined forces after decades of rivalry.

The aim is for Southern Produce Ltd and Primor Produce to collaboratively “gain strength and achieve better returns globally”.

Their newly formed strategic alliance Avoco will see them manage the marketing of more than 70 per cent of New Zealand’s avocado production.Avoco has been set up to improve the flow, quality management and marketing of the companies’ fruit in the Australian market.

“The fragmented nature of NZ’s avocado supply is something our growers have been demanding both our companies address,” said Primor director, John Carroll. “Together we can have a much more disciplined approach as to how much fruit goes into the market, and the timing of the fruit flow throughout the season.”

Traditionally, New Zealand’s avocado exporters have competed against each other with Australian wholesalers. “Our goal is to get more NZ avocado growers working together through Avoco™ to provide a stronger, more cohesive supply to our international markets,” said Carroll.

“The pooling of our market knowledge, relationships and experience will ensure we consistently offer timely, high quality product to our international customers and better returns for our growers.”

Alistair Young, director of Southern Produce Ltd added: “Working together, we can increase the value of grower’s product at the orchard gate. Grower sustainability and success are the fundamental drivers for what we are doing here.”