Wuhan in Hubei

Shipping facilites in Wuhan in Hubei Province are to be upgraded

Authorities in Central China’s Hubei province have reportedly fast tracked a Yn300bn (US$47bn) development to upgrade shipping facilities in Wuhan.

According to a report by Port Strategy, the development could be completed in five years despite the region’s government last year announcing a 10-year time frame for the project.

Yangtze Business Services director David Lammie told Port Strategy: “Wuhan government wants to strengthen the city’s credentials as the major transport hub on the middle reaches of the Yangtze and the new timescales are designed to accelerate that process," he said. "The plan to establish regular container railway services to Yangluo is particularly important as it would help establish Wuhan as an important transhipment centre.”

Improved rail connections would help link the port with the 45 cities located within 400km of Wuhan. Lammie told Port Strategy the port authority was in talks with China Railway Container Transport Co to link Yangluo container terminal to rail container services so containers from as far as Zhengzhou, Xian, Chongqing and Chengdu could be transported using the Yangluo-Yangshan Yangtze shuttle services.