MAF Roda

MAF Roda has handled a 10-lane installation for Nongfu Spring, a well-established fresh fruit and beverage producer in China.

Fitted with a completely automatic infeed system, the new installation is capable of sorting more than 1,000 tonnes of oranges per day.

“This highly sophisticated automation processing will have all the new innovations of MAF Group, such as a sugar and acid testing device, an external quality checking system, traceability and other automated components dedicated to working 24 hours a day during the busy harvest time,” said MAF Roda’s Jean Christophe Couzin.

MAF Roda’s Australian subsidiary MAF Oceania has also been busy, making over 10 installations of the company’s new Globalscan 6 sorter since the solution was launched early last year.

MAF Oceania’s national sales manager, Fabien Bachagherouni, said the Globalscan 6 sorts all types of fruit according to quality and colour, detecting external defectsin the visible spectrum and with infrared lighting.

“The Globalscan 6 also sizes by dimension, taking into account the diameter, length and shape of the fruit,” Bachagherouni explained. “Compared to the earliest version, the resolution of the cameras has been multiplied by five, with a bigger microprocessor allowing MAF to be more accurate and process pictures faster.”
