Maersk containers on ship

As the New Zealand Maritime Union and Ports of Auckland near a resolution to an 18-month industrial dispute, Maersk Line has announced it will redirect its Southern Star Service back to Auckland, according to media reports.

The international shipping company said the ongoing dispute played a part in its decision to move the service to the Tauranga in December 2011.

Maersk’s Northern Star service continued to operate out of Auckland, prompting suggestions there were other factors at play.

“Shipping companies come to New Zealand and they go to the ports where the cargo is emanating out of,” Maritime Union president Garry Parsloe told 3 News New Zealand.

“They don't simply leave Auckland because there's a dispute... they follow where the cargo is.”

Ports of Auckland chief executive Tony Gibson was confident the port could handle the increase in productivity.

“Our work over the last year has shown we can deliver,” Gibson said.

The Maritime Union and Ports of Auckland will enter what the hope will be the final round of negotiations in the dispute next week.

Talks have resumed after the union chose not to challenge the lifting of an injunction, which limited Ports of Auckland’s capacity to hire and fire staff.

An agreement has also been reached on conditions for union workers.

“All parties are very hopeful of a conclusion,” Parsloe said.