Avocados have become a world-renowned superfood due to the rising public health awareness in recent years and fruit’s abundant nutritional benefits have helped its per capita consumption reach new heights worldwide.

According to FAO predictions, by 2030, avocados are expected to become the second-largest tropical fruit in terms of international trade share, surpassing pineapples and mangoes, trailing only behind bananas.

Avocados are an ethylene-sensitive crop. Common post-harvest preservation technologies include controlled atmosphere, ethylene absorbers, (primarily composed of potassium permanganate, a hazardous chemical to both humans and the environment), or costly air cargo freight. Most of these methods would generate invisible carbon emissions, higher logistics costs and environmental hazards in exchange for better quality fruit. The shipping costs may even surpass the cost of the fruit itself

Shipping avocados in controlled atmosphere containers (CAC) via seafreight, while a method that could significantly extend the shelf-life of avocados in large quantities, may incur freight costs 1.8 to 2.5 times higher than standard refrigerated containers. Additionally, the high technological requirements of CAC operation often lead to resource monopolies, resulting in less incentive to develop sustainable solutions.

Faced with these challenges, Lytone Enterprise developed the LytoFresh Protocol, which includes the AnsiP series products, as well as Natacoat, KaDoZan, and Azolyte. Through simple and user-friendly procedures and relatively low cost, this protocol allows for the earlier harvest of high-quality Hass avocados.

It effectively blocks early ripening and maintains a shelf-life of over three months under normal cold chain. Additionally, Hass avocados treated by Lytofresh Protocol remain dormant until they reach their destination and leave the low-temperature environment, at which point they begin ripening and reach the desired maturity for consumers within seven to ten days at room temperature. LytoFresh Protocol does not create any difference in texture and flavour compared to regular avocado fruit.

Lytone Enterprise’s chairman, Dr William Chang, explained, “The LytoFresh Protocol involves a series of treatments in combination, it was developed over a period of 23 years to address the physiological characteristics of many fruits, including avocados, achieving astonishing shelf-life-extension results”.

“We are more than willing to assist not only avocado growers but also all players in the fresh fruits and vegetables industry. We are confident that we could help developing special LytoFresh Protocols for your problems,” Chang continued.

“Lytone welcomes partners who are interested in the thriving avocado industry to work out a system best suited for you.”

Starting from July this year, Lytone Enterprise will establish a business presence in Central California in the US. This move aims to provide prompt services to fresh fruit and vegetable suppliers in the US and Mexico. Additionally, agricultural supply distributors and logistics operators are welcome to discuss regional representation opportunity and various collaboration schemes.

For more information:

Basilio Huang

(+1)775 550 4007
