Japanese agricultural experts anticipate that their country is set to accept further imports of Vietnamese produce after the approval for dragonfruit and mango to enter the Japanese market.

Vietnamese dragonfruit has recently entered Japan, with mango also set to arrive in March this year.

The mango will undergo a process to kill insects and worms before it is shipped to Japan, according to Koshida Ryu, agricultural expert at the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

Given that Japan does not accept fruit treated by irradiation, Ryu stated that the Vietnamese industry should research and determine an appropriate alternative treatment to market their produce in Japan.

Should there be adequate technology to clean the fruits prior to export, Ryu believes that Vietnam will shortly be eligible to send further produce. He said that Vietnam's rambutan, longan, and star apple fruits are likely to perform well in Japan.

While Japan’s requirements for its imports are strict, the country has a reputation as a stable market.