Chilean Kiwifruit

Chilean kiwifruit export volumes to South Korea have bounced back after last year’s ruling that prevents New Zealand kiwifruit marketer Zespri establishing exclusivity deals with major retailers there.

Chilean Kiwifruit Committee general manager Carlos Cruzat told Fresh Fruit Portal retailers had welcomed the 2011 decision by Korea’s Fair Trade Commission that Zespri’s supply contracts were monopolistic. The company was subsequently fined Won427m (US$377,000).

“According to these supermarkets, they liked the judgment because no supermarket likes to be controlled by any company, whether it be Coca Cola, Nestle or any large company – Lotte Mart and E-Mart didn’t want to be controlled by Zespri,” said Cruzat.

This year’s sendings would be in line with Chile’s 2009-10 season, Curzat told Fresh Fruit Portal. That season, however, was characterised by poor returns.

Chilean kiwifruit exporters would need to improve the quality of fruit - and in particluarearly season fruit -sent to Korea if prices were to improve, he said.

“The issue we now need to address is how we arrive at the market, as most of the problems Chile has had were with growers that weren’t part of the committee, but every year we have more members incorporated with us.

“The people who send early fruit cause severe damage in the market for us, especially in markets like Japan and Korea, as these peripheral markets are attractive for going early,” he said.