Tasmanian apples

Stakeholders within Tasmania’s apple industry are hoping a presence at this week’s China-Australia Business Week trade delegation will boost export opportunities in the People’s Republic.

A 210-carton consignment of Royal Galas from the island’s state’s Hansen Orchardswas air freighted to Shanghai ahead of the landmark trade event, beginning today (8 April).“The consignment represents an investment in the China trade and getting the foot in the door of this important market,” said Baden Ribbon, marketing manager of Hansen Orchards.

The shipment was directed to leading Chinese online retailer Fruit Day, who’s co-founder Loren Zhao traveled to Australia in March on a sourcing mission, which included a visit to Hansen Orchards.“This month we received our first shipment of apples from Tasmanian, making us one of the first companies to import this product (into China) directly,” Zhao said.

Tasmania remains the only Australia state with direct market access into China for its apples, due to its fruit fly free status. However, excessive transport costs have meant Tasmanian growers have so far been reluctant to ship volumes of any considerable note to the Asian nation. Fruit Growers Tasmania’s business development manager Phil Pyke hoped exposure at China-Australia Business Week would encourage to the industry to ramp-up export programmes.

'While the fall in the Australian dollar has assisted in making access to China commercially viable, the biggest challenge for Tasmania’s fruit growers remains the very high cost of freight,” Pyke explained. “The recent shipping of Hansen Orchards’ Royal Gala apples to China represents a growing Asian focus on Tasmania’s fruit industry, particularly in cherries and increasingly in apples and berries.”

As part of the China-Australia Business Week celebrations, Apple and Pear Australia Limited (APAL) CEO John Dollisson will join the Australian minster for trade and industry, Andrew Robb, in China this week.

“Thanks to Hansen Orchards we have a unique opportunity to showcase Australian apples in China,” Dollisson said. “Its a great time to do it during China-Australia Business Week – when the spotlight is on Australia and when many government delegations are meeting that could see trade opportunities open.”

Hansen Orchards worked in close collaboration with APAL, Fruit Growers Tasmania and the Australian and Tasmanian governments, to facilitate the Chinese shipment.