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Sitecasa, the trade union of Peruvian fresh produce giant Camposol, has reportedly announced a general strike, which will take place indefinitely from 2 May.

According to a report by AgroNegociosPerú, the union said the strike has been called because of the company’s alleged failure to share profits in 2011; for an apparent breach of collective agreements regarding breaks for seasonal and older workers; and for reportedly hiring new personnel to harvest avocados and other products.

Sitecasa also claims that Camposol breached agreements regarding the handling of heavy crates, and violated workers’ freedom of association following “unfair suspensions” of union members, the report said.

The union has also called on the Peruvian Congress to modify the so-called Law of Agricultural Promotion, which it claims violates workers’ labour rights, according to the report.

As a preventative measure, Sitecasa organised a strike and peaceful movement on Wednesday 11 April, in which the organisation claimed a general indefinite strike would go ahead in May if its claims are not heard.