Bharti WalMart

Bharti Wal-Mart, the joint venture between Indian company Bharti Enterprises and US retailer Wal-Mart, will open five new ‘Easyday' wholesale cash and carry stores across India in the next financial year.
According to Bharti Wal-Mart's chief operating officer Rav Jain, the company rolled out the Easyday model in Amritsar last year and now plans to open five more outlets in the same format.

The new stores will be located at Zirakpur (near Chandigarh), Jalandhar, Ludhiana, Patila, Ghaziabad and Jaipur, the Business Standard reported.

Mr Jain said the company had formed a partnership with around 110 farmers in Punjab to source fresh vegetables, and has made efforts to educate farmers on modern agricultural practices.

The new Zirakpur Easyday market will open next month, according to Mr Jain, and around 10,000 membership applications have been received for this outlet.

'Due to the proximity to Himachal Pradesh, that gets large number of tourists, and a growing number of eateries in Chandigarh, there is a huge demand for good quality vegetables and fruits,' Mr Jain said.

'The company's strategy of direct procurement from farmers helps it to offer quality products lower than the market price and get large numbers of clients.'