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Indian chain Bharti Retail has opened 59 stores across northern India in its first phase of operations, a decrease on earlier plans for 70 stores by the end of 2009 but still on track, according to the company.

The 59 Easy Day stores were opened in Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and New Delhi as part of Bharti’s plan to focus on operations in one region at a time, reported the Financial Express.

“Bharti Retail’s strategy is to consolidate presence in one market, before expanding to another region,” a company spokesman told the Express. “At present, the focus of our roll out will be North India, but we have plans to expand operations into other parts of India.”

Bharti Retail has also opened three compact hypermarkets in Punjab under the Easy Day Market moniker.

The retailer plans to invest US$2-2.5bn rolling out stores across the country in the next five years, the spokesman said, with a target of around 10m square feet (929,000m2) of retail space.

Bharti’s Easy Day and Easy Day Market stores will source fresh produce from Bharti-Walmart, the company’s joint venture with US retail giant Walmart thatopened its first Best Price Modern Wholesalecash and carry outlet in June last year.

Bharti-Walmart last month opened a new agricultural centre in Punjabas part of its Direct Farm Programme, with the stated aim of supplying Best Price and Easy Day stores with fresh produce.