Chinese orange orchard owner Asian Citrus Holdings Ltd posted a 64.5 per cent increase in pre-tax profit for the six months to 31 December, Reuters reported.
The rise was fuelled by higher orange sales, and the company said it was confident demand for high-quality citrus fruit would continue to grow.
The firm sold 31,632 tonnes of winter oranges to supermarkets, a rise of 66.2 per cent, and revenue from orange sales jumped by 40.1 per cent to Yn384.8m (US$56.3m).
For the first half of the 2009/10 financial year, Asian Citrus Holdings recorded a pre-tax profit of Yn248.1m (US$36.4m), up from Yn150.8m (US$22m) for the same period in 2008/09, while total revenue rose by 35.8 per cent to Yn398.3m (US$58.3m).
The company's shares closed on Monday at £0.55 (US$0.84) on the London Stock Exchange.