Malaysia retail

Malaysia is one of the markets identified as having potential import growth

Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Thailand offer excellent future prospects for fruit imports, according to a recent report from global fruit market analyst Belrose Inc.

In a study of potential demand for apples, pears, cherries and kiwifruit in 16 Asian countries to 2020, Belrose concluded that imports may weaken in established markets like Japan and Taiwan, but grow across South East Asia, and in China and India.

The US-based analyst calculated its findings using current rates of economic growth, and said competition in Asia is likely to become more intense as more exporters seek to expand there.

“This study will help exporters to decide the most promising markets to tackle given the mix of products they can supply,” said Belrose’s Dr Desmond O’Rourke. “It will also help them determine the scale and focus of marketing and promotion efforts that will be needed for effective long-term expansion in Asia.

“The study also analyses the key factors that will affect imports, including some that are often ignored, such as consumers' cultural values or politicians' subtle opposition to freer trade.”