
New Zealand fresh produce exporter Aozora International has been encouraged by Asian market returns for its Chilean KiwiKiss crop.

The company’s proprietary gold kiwifruit variety entered Japan, South Korea and China for the first time last year, following an agreement to have it grown in Chile by the country’s largest organic exporter, Greenvic, in 2011.

While initial volumes were small, Aozora International’s managing director Anthony Bruford says strong customer support has positioned the fruit well for the future.

“There is strong demand for KiwiKiss from Japan, Korea and China – far outweighing supply at this stage,” Bruford says.

“The Far East programme pricing has already been fixed at strong numbers that will ensure the growers see very good results this year and into the future.

“Quality-wise, we did well last season, with packouts very good despite rigid quality parameters being set for all three Asian markets.”

While the fruit has been well received in Asia, production is yet to reach significant commercial volume.

In 2011, Bruford predicted around 50 containers would be exported to Asia this year.

“Our overall volume of KiwiKiss this season is lower than expected due to a lack of chilling hours during the Chilean winter,” he explains.

“We expect a substantial increase in exportable volume come 2014 with improved yields, and more orchards coming into production.”

While Japan, South Korea and China will remain primary target markets for the variety going forward, new export opportunities are also expected to open up as production volumes grow.

“We are developing some secondary markets in South America and South East Asia for a high-spec Class 1.5 product,” Bruford says.

“The orchards are developing nicely, and showing good consistency now as they near full production.”