David Minnis

AHEA chairman David Minnis

The Austraian Horticulture Exporters Association (AHEA) has appointed Michelle Christoe as its executive director.

AHEA chairman David Minnis said Christoe has an extensive background within Australia’s fresh food sector, including appointments as the managing director of marketing consultancy Food Focus Australia, and the executive officer of Seafood Services Australia.

“The AHEA looks forward to using Michelle’s marketing and trade experience in the food industry to further promote the development of horticultural exports and to assist the AHEA widen its scope to support Australian importers as well as exporters,” Minnis said.

Christoe’s appointment comes as Australian exporters battle a number of challenges to remain competitive in the international market, including tariff barriers, more stringent quarantine inspections, regulatory costs and rising freight charges.

A strong Australian dollar has also presented problems, as importers increase their reliance on fellow Southern Hemisphere producers such as Chile and South Africa.

Minnis suggested productivity and efficiency gains are necessary if the export sector is to capitalise on market opportunities in Asia and the Middle East.

“These circumstances demand fresh ideas and approaches and Michelle has a proven track record of results focussed towards achieving continuous improved business performance, and is well-placed to help the AHEA confront these challenges,” Minnis said.