Israeli exporter Agrexco is gearing up for this year's mango export campaign, which commences this month and runs through until mid-October.
Marketed under the Carmel brand, the group's range includes the Tommy, Shelley, Kent, Lily, Keith and Maya varieties, as well as ready-to-eat Shelley and Maya varieties that have been naturally ripened on the tree.
Nissim Cohen, product manager at Agrexco, said that exports would be shipped to European countries, including the Mediterranean region, as well as the Far East.
The majority of Agrexco's mangoes (95 per cent) are grown in the area around the Sea of Galilee, which offers perfect conditions for Mango cultivation.
In order to ensure that food safety is optimised, mango growers have participated in an experimental project to exterminate the Middle Eastern fly, with sterile male flies released in cultivation areas as a means of reducing the population – and therefore reducing the need for pesticides.