All Turkey articles – Page 5
Europe tops global lemon league
More than a quarter of the lemons consumed globally are grown within the European Union
Qatar rapprochement a timely boost
The diplomatic crisis between Qatar and its Gulf neighbours may be over, but Qatar is likely to continue to reduce its dependence on food imports
Turkish apples gain Thai entry
The newly agreed export protocol between Turkey and Thailand is welcome news for Turkish exporters, with hopes that apples are just the beginning
Russia extends tomato ban
Russia has cited safety concerns for its latest tomato import ban against Azerbaijan, but some analysts suggest politics or protectionism may be at play
Slight drop in NH citrus production
Preliminary forecast shows 2020/21 Northern Hemisphere crop is expected to reach 28.7m tonnes, down 1 per cent
Innatis clubbing together
Additional costs and challenges from Covid-19 have proven a test for all, but French apple grower Innatis has seen its team come together during this crisis, says president Marc Rauffet
Mixed fortunes for Turkish citrus
Weather conditions affected early Interdonato lemons, says Akin Söyleyen, marketing manager at exporter Aksun, but increased demand for grapefruit bodes well
Weather hits world stonefruit production
Decline driven by down seasons in China and Europe, the world's largest peach and nectarine producers
A natural choice
Those looking to invest in refrigeration should go down the natural refrigerant route according to Ercin Kaymak of Erkasis
Fig exports rise at Ani Tarim
Although some fruit was affected by inclement weather this season, Turkey’s Ani Tarim predicts an increase in fig production and a record export volume
Compac up to the Covid-19 challenge
Installation of new grading and packing lines in Turkey and Uzbekistan completed despite global pandemic limiting international movement
Sharp rise in Turkish citrus exports
Shipments up by almost one-third in the January to August period
Alanar prepared for fig growth
Leading Turkish exporter Alanar is ready for the rising demand for figs, thanks to its new facility and state-of-the-art sorting machine
China suspends Turkish cherry imports
Turkey’s second significant cherry season in China comes to a premature end following pest interceptions
Turkish cherries hit Korean retail shelves
Turkish grower-exporter Ana Fruit overcomes hurdles to land first shipments in South Korea
Turkey makes its mark in China
Turkish cherries have risen to the challenge this season, with the value of exports to China increasing more than 50 per cent
Perla Fruit gets off to flying start
Firm says Compac sorter has helped it maintain quality and address labour shortages during pandemic
Challenges combine for Turkish citrus
Although Covid-19 poses additional challenges and costs, Turkey’s citrus specialists are more concerned about the possibility of another weather-affected season
Fruitbox: How to manage the volatile cherry category
Huge opportunities and big risks are combining to create one of the most exciting categories in the produce business
Download your free report on Covid-19
Fruitnet has teamed up with Fruit Logistica to provide in-depth analysis of the pandemic's impact on fresh produce companies