All articles by Tommy Leighton – Page 92

  • Article

    It's ivantage Interflora


    Following the success of its online sales during the Christmas and New Year period, Interflora has stepped up its online marketing activities in the UK.

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    Netto acquires Kwik Save stores


    Danish discounter Netto has bought 19 Kwik Save stores from Somerfield.

  • John Kinnaird

    Scottish farming at crossroads


    Addressing the NFU Scotland agm in St Andrews, its president John Kinnaird said that Scottish farming has reached a crossroads, which means tough decisions for farmers and clear priorities for industry action.

  • Fyffes profits rise 27.9 per cent

    Fyffes profits rise 27.9 per cent


    Fyffes has reported a 27.9 per cent rise in pre-tax profits for the year to the end of December 2005.

  • High Priest of Tomatoes wins prize

    High Priest of Tomatoes wins prize


    Israel’s “High Priest of Tomatoes” Professor Nachum Kedar, of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem's Faculty of Agriculture in Rehovot, is the recipient of the 2006 Israel Prize in Agriculture.

  • Bennett: close gate on oppressive atmosphere

    Growers back call for retail clampdown


    NFU president Tim Bennett has called for action to eradicate the climate of “fear and oppression” characterising the relationship between growers and their retail customers.

  • Small retailers to disappear by 2015

    Small retailers to disappear by 2015


    Politicians have warned that the dominance of large independents and multiple retailers will force small and independent retailers off the UK high street by 2015.

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    Waitrose to reward small suppliers


    Waitrose is offering Britain’s small producers a last chance to enter its prestigious fifth annual Waitrose Small Producers Awards.

  • Rebecca James, Martin Hyson, MBL executive director, and Jonathan James

    Consistency key for MBL winner


    Availability, consistency and creativity are the key to succeeding in fresh produce, according to MBL’s fresh produce store of the year award winner.

  • Greenery gives tomato guidance

    Greenery gives tomato guidance


    The ever-growing tomato category must have clearer segmentation, according to Dutch giant The Greenery.

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    Egyptian berries into Hahn with Tulpin


    Perishables airfreight agent Tulpin Airmarketing has begun flying Egyptian strawberries into Frankfurt’s Hahn airport for onward transport to the UK.

  • Lindberg Skov

    Reefers turn to 360 Quality


    Specialised reefer shipping could become more efficient thanks to the latest concept in quality assurance - 360 Quality.

  • CMi creates harmonised logo

    CMi creates harmonised logo


    CMi Certification has launched a new logo to allow registered growers to promote the fact that they have been certified through a CMI auditing process.

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    Fyffes to pay majority of costs in DCC case


    Fyffes is weighing up the financial impact of a high court ruling in Ireland, which ordered the company to pay 80 per cent of the costs of DCC and all of its own, following the long-running court case between the two parties.

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    SmartFresh on the offensive


    Beleaguered SmartFresh bosses are launching a charm offensive to combat recent negative publicity.

  • Chippie Dales stripped to fry

    Chippie Dales stripped to fry


    Chip-loving celebrity Angela Griffin spent a few hours sizzling with the ‘Chippie Dales’, recruited from the nation’s chip shops, to attract national media interest to the 15th National Chip Week (February 13-19).

  • Nigel Mudge

    Golden price target


    South African Golden Delicious exporters are to run a UK consumer PR campaign with a difference.

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    Kinow, the superior mandarin from Pakistan


    The Pakistan Consulate in Germany was at Fruit Logistica to promote kinow mandarins.Almost the national fruit in Pakistan, in Europe kinow mandarins have so far generally only been seen in selected specialist outlets. But the larger version of the popular citrus fruit has a high juice content (more than 50 per cent) and a high concentration of Vitamin C, at 32 mg/100ml. It is also extremely easy to peel, said Marion Boulris from the Pakistan Consulate.Around three million tonnes of kinow is produced annually in Pakistan, and this figure is still on the rise.

  • New salad combinations and apple snacks from France

    New salad combinations and apple snacks from France


    A total of 106 French exhibitors, 23 per cent more than last year, were on display at Fruit Logistica...

  • Steiermark almost 100 per cent certified

    Steiermark almost 100 per cent certified


    Obst Partner Steiermark, which represents 1,100 apple growers in eastern, western and southern Steiermark, told visitors at Fruit Logistica that more than 90 per cent of its network is now EurepGAP certified.