All articles by Tommy Leighton – Page 39

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    Almeria changes its methods


    Unauthorised pesticide use on protected salad crops in Almeria last winter and adverse press coverage in key markets such as Germany have turned growers in the Spanish region on to integrated production techniques.

  • Whitehouse: incredulous

    Veg pickers at centre of GLA storm


    Cornish gangmaster Baltic Work Team has had its licence revoked with immediate effect, after workers in cauliflower and courgette fields were reported to be scavenging for food.

  • Muriuki: concerned

    Kenyan concern over European retailers


    A Kenyan exporter has voiced his concern at the proliferation of the limiting effect on his country's business of requirements from European retailers.

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    Fruit dominates NZ hort exports


    Fresh facts details New Zealand's export exploits in 2006.

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    Israel broadens grape range


    Israeli table-grape growers and exporters are widening the range of varieties they export to overseas markets.

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    Murcians eye cherry window


    Researchers advise growers in Murcia to target an early cherry window.

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    Watermelon disaster for Valencia


    Valencia growers’ association Ava-Asaja has said this summer’s watermelon season is proving disastrous. Prices paid to growers have fallen to €0.03-0.05 a kilo well below the cost of production at €0.12-0.15.

  • EVS/Asda celebrate Yorkshire Day

    EVS/Asda celebrate Yorkshire Day


    English Village Salads (EVS) and Asda celebrated Yorkshire Day in style on August 1, with in-store activity at six of the Yorkshire-based retailer’s stores in the county.

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    HotRot delivers organic treatment solutions


    On a quest to deliver the complete organic solutions package, HotRot has announced the launch of two new UK technologies complementary to its flagship HotRot IVC.

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    New sales manager for SAI Global/EFSIS


    SAI Global/EFSIS, provider of food assurance solutions to the food industry, has appointed Fiona Marshall as its new sales manager.

  • Tricky period for Greek grapes

    Tricky period for Greek grapes


    Exporters are warning that the coming Greek grape season is likely to be “tricky.”

  • Kristian Moeller

    Asia catches on to EurepGAP


    The total number of producers in Asian countries certified by EurepGAP has more than doubled over the last 12-month period.

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    Wisconsin looks to seedless grapes


    The US state of Wisconsin is known mostly for its cheese, but now the state wants to raise table grapes to the same level.

  • Bragg right for horticulture board

    Bragg right for horticulture board


    Neil Bragg has been named as chair designate of the new horticulture levy board.

  • Colouring up summer eating

    Colouring up summer eating


    Children tucked into the free fruit and vegetables handed out by the Eat in Colour team on its 1,500 mile trip around the UK.

  • Chile hit by "white earthquake"

    Chile hit by "white earthquake"


    Snow as deep as 20 inches in places is blanketing much of central Chile, and the fruit and vegetable industry is inevitably going to feel the effects.

  • Spanish on the fly against pests

    Spanish on the fly against pests


    Spanish producers’ association Unió-Coag is calling on the regional authorities in Valencia to put in place a control programme against fruit fly as soon as possible.

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    WAPA warning for Euro retailers


    European retailers were issued a stark warning by the World Apple and Pear Association (WAPA) at last week’s annual Prognosfruit conference.

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    Canaries counts cost of fires


    Forest fires in the north and north west of the island of Tenerife in the Canary Islands have destroyed farms and potato and tomato production land.

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    PEACH changes to go live on October 2


    The ‘go live’ date for the rollout of the changes to the PEACH system has been confirmed as October 2, 2007.