All articles by Tommy Leighton – Page 35

  • Baxter: utter madness

    Baxter to resign over levy-board changes


    Clive Baxter, one of the industry’s most respected top fruit leaders, is to resign from his role with the Horticultural Development Council (HDC) before the new levy board structure comes into place next year.

  • Simon Mount with Rubens

    Rubens harvest starts this week


    Rubens, the Italian bred Elstar/Gala cross which has been under trial for the last three years in Kent, will be harvested this week.

  • Market cashier makes musical appeal

    Market cashier makes musical appeal


    A cashier at New Spitalfields Market is appealing for musical instruments that he will be able to take to Kenyan orphans when he visits them with his wife at Christmas.

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    F-Gas seminar at NFS


    Farm Refrigeration is sponsoring a seminar on the recently introduced F-Gas regulation, at the National Fruit Show, on October 18 - the second day of the show.

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    Rallying cry for industry training


    Leading industry figures have issued a rallying cry to the UK's food and drinks manufacturers, calling on them to lend their full support to the drive to improve skills across the sector's workforce.

  • Herb sales rocket

    Herb sales rocket


    The latest research from Mintel shows that UK consumption of fresh herbs is spiralling - sales have blossomed by more than half in the last five years alone, to reach £46 million this year.

  • Bryan Silbermann

    Summit offers consumer insight


    During its Fresh Summit event, in Houston on October 12-15, the Produce Marketing Association will offer a “consumer insights” group of workshops to discuss consumer trends and their impact on the produce industry supply chain.

  • Nancy Tucker

    Global outreach at PMA Fresh Summit


    The Produce Marketing Associating (PMA) will offer a series of workshops devoted to global trade topics during its Fresh Summit International Convention and Exhibition.

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    easy does it for packaging event


    easyFairs UK Ltd has launched Ecopack, a brand new event that it says goes “right to the heart of the growing demand for environmentally responsible packaging solutions”.

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    Direct approach from Tozer


    Tozer Seeds has launched a new online vegetable seeds sales division, called Tozer Direct.

  • Vivaldi has a one-in-four shot at the title

    Fresh selections for Quality Food Awards


    Four companies have been shortlisted in the fresh produce category for the Quality Food Awards.

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    PMA tackles food safety at Fresh Summit


    As part of its ongoing efforts to help produce industry members to address challenges to the industry’s food safety record, the Produce Marketing Association (PMA) will offer a series of workshops on food safety topics at its 2007 Fresh Summit International Convention and Exposition, in Houston on October 12-15.

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    Fuel price hike worries hauliers


    The Road Haulage Association has warned that UK hauliers face a “winter of discontent” with the news that storms in the Gulf of Mexico have halted oil production in the region.

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    Fuel duty increase will impact on everyone


    The Freight Transport Association says that next Monday’s (October 1) increase in fuel duty by 2p per litre will inevitably impact on the whole population.

  • Spinach shortage beckons

    Spinach shortage beckons


    English growers have been warned that spinach seed, provided mainly from Denmark, will be in shorter supply for next year's crop.

  • Salvesen receives takeover approach

    Salvesen receives takeover approach


    Christian Salvesen, the UK logistics service provider, has been the subject of a takeover approach.

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    Tesco being investigated again by OFT


    Tesco is reportedly “at loggerheads” with regulators over the decision to investigate its acquisition of five Somerfield stores.

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    Ornamental footprint uncovered


    The International Organisation of Horticultural Producers (AIPH) has unveiled some initial results from a study of carbon footprinting in the ornamentals sector.

  • Relocation and new name for HDC

    Relocation and new name for HDC


    The HDC will be relocated to Stoneleigh in Warwickshire to take its place as part of the newly christened Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board, Defra has announced.

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    M&S to build Bradford distribution centre


    Marks & Spencer has made public its plans for a new distribution centre in Bradford.